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Just one toy.

A few weeks ago I got played by the two year old I babysit.

It was 3:25pm and I was walking out the door with the two year old little boy to get the six year old little girl off the bus. The bus drops her off right in front of the house so we just have to walk up the driveway.  

Everyday the little boy wants to take an armful of toys outside with him. And everyday I explain to him that he can take one toy out, because I end up being the one that has to keep up with the toys and eventually bring them back inside. 

I have been working on explaining the one toy concept for months and he is just starting to understand. 

On this particular Tuesday he had two small cars and a larger school bus with a driver and passenger inside it. I only saw the bus I didn’t see the passengers.

I said,”you may take one toy outside.”  He looked at the toys in his hands and said, “okay Cars.”  He then put down the two smaller cars; he picked up the larger bus in one hand and took the driver and passenger in the other hand and said, “okay I ready.”

He picked the toy that had three toys in one. He still only chose one toy, but he ended up with three. 

My roommate pointed out to me later that this is how the Lord is with us. He asks us to chose one thing and we try to talk him into picking three things. However, for days, weeks, or even months the Lord patiently waits and explains the idea of one thing at a time. The Lord is not impatient or angry at our need for more; he simply waits and leads us until we get it. 

When I came to CGA six months ago I had the next year and a half of my life planned out. I was going to do CGA for eight months, then squad lead for five months, then come back and probably live in Georgia.  I was focused on the next three things instead of one at a time.

In January I started the process of applying to squad lead for Fall of 2017.  Then in March I was offered an opportunity to stay in Georgia for the next year and help co-teach the leadership program that I am about to finish. This was not what I planned because I was trying to pick up three things at once. The Lord is teaching me to focus on the one thing in my hand not the two other things I am trying to figure out how to pick up.

So starting in May through February I will be helping to co-teach and lead some parts of the Leadership program I am about to finish along with my co-leader Drew (who is also about to finish CGA) and our leaders Ben and Ashley.  I am so thankful and so excited to get to teach and pour into the next group of CGA apprentices. 

(Ashley, Carson, Drew, Ben)

 I am excited to spend time with Drew, Ben, and Ashley and learn so much from them. I am thankful that the Lord is teaching me to focus on the thing in front of me. I am thankful that the Lord has a better life planned for me than I do. 

As the Lord is leading me into a new season with Adventures in Missions I am so thankful for the support I have gotten from so many people over the last two years. I am thankful for the words of encouragement. I am thankful for generous donations. I am thankful for prayers. I am thankful for the ways I have been shown that I am loved. 

I am currently looking for monthly donors. If you would like to partner with me you can go to the “donate” tab on my blog and click the “monthly” option. If you would like more information please feel free to message me at [email protected]

We’re doing the thing in Georgia!

Much love, Carson