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I’m Still Doing the Thing in Georgia.


I wanted to give you a little more information as to what I am doing currently. From now through May I will be helping teach and lead some parts of the leadership program I just finished along with my co-leader Drew and our leaders Ben and Ashley. I am so thankful and excited to get to teach and pour into the next group of CGA apprentices. This is such a cool opportunity and I feel like this is exactly where the Lord wants me to be!

You might be wondering what this means exactly. This means I get to teach topics like Servant Leadership, Influence, Humility, and Strategy in the context of leadership. And what practical application of these things looks like on the mission field or wherever the apprentices chose to lead others. I also get to participate in one on one discipleship with some of the apprentices. Pouring into them and helping them figure out who the Lord has created them to be.

You might also be wondering why I am doing this. Well, the Lord has given me the gift of leadership. These means I get to equip others to be leaders on the mission field. I am not necessarily called to go overseas right now, but I get the beautiful opportunity to empower others to be better leaders on the mission field. I get to send missionaries out. I get to train leaders. I get to influence. I am so thankful for what the Lord is allowing me to do in CGA.

(This is the 10 apprentices along with some of the other teachers and myself)

With my continued time with Adventures in Missions, I am currently looking for monthly donors. Would you prayerfully consider becoming a monthly donor of $25, $50, $100, or $200 a month or giving a one time donation?

If you would like to partner with me you can go to the “donate” tab on my blog at and click the “monthly” option. You can also make a check out to Adventures in Missions and put my name in the memo line.

You can mail checks to:

Adventures in Missions

P.O. Box 742570

Atlanta, GA 30374-2570

In the past 2 years I have raised over $26,000 because of your help and obedience to give. I am overwhelmed by that number and provision. I am so thankful for your support and believing in what I am doing. The Lord has been so faithful in providing all that I have needed in the past 2 years and I know he will continue to provide. I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done to support me. Thank you so much!

As I have prayed about my time in Gainesville, GA I continue to hear the Lord say, “I know where you have been and I know where you are going. I am taking you somewhere. I will take care of you.” So I will continue to trust his promise to take care of me.

If you would like more information or just want to catch up please feel free to message me at [email protected]

We’re doing the thing in Georgia!

Much love, Carson Shock